WAFFLE Extended Care Plus Mattress, w/Pump
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- #288-1056ECPX060
76" x 34" x 3", each
Recommended for Long Term Care and Home Care. 6-month warranty. Pressure ulcer prevention and treatment through stage IV. * Cost Effective - Delivers pressure relief for pennies a day * Technologically Sound - Patented design eliminates patient "bottoming out" and ensures air always surrounds patients body * Static Air Technology - prevents and heals pressure ulcers * Air Passage Vents - Allow for circulation and heat and moisture dissipation * Easy to Use - Easily inflates with non-electrical M.A.D.™ Pump * Safe and Secure - The low profile mattress design provides patient safety and adjustable straps secures and centers mattress to the bed * Versatile - Hand Wells allow for easy log rolling and transferring patients up to 600lbs * Medicare Code: E0197
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